最近小貴婦的幼稚園要舉辦感恩節演講比賽 (如果辦火雞大餐活動應該也不錯吧 ?), 昨天看到老師發的演講稿, 原文如下 :
Goodmorning everyone, my name is ________, I am from _________class.  Today I would like to tell you my speech, it's a Thanksgiving poem.
(這段都還ok吧 !!)
Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't sleep.  I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep.
(這也還可以接受, 我想.)
The leftovers called out, the tasty delights
but I fought the temptation with all of my might
(是不是開始有衝動想拿出翻譯機? 至少想按一下temptation ?? )
Tossing and turning, I tried not to think about all of the goodies, the food and the drink.
So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door and looked in the fridge, full of tasties galore.
I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, peas and carrots, beans and tomatoes.
(開始冒汗了? Dr. Eye 打開了沒? ?)
I fely myself swelling so plump and so round, till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky.  With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.
But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees....
(心裡在默數到底看懂了幾成吧 ?)
Happy ending to all
Pass the chocolates, please !
I hope that you enjoyed my speech, thanks for listening !!
(呼! 終於看完了...)
老爺的反應是小貴婦到底知道自己在說什麼嗎 ?  我說OK 啦, 老師一定會解釋滴
To be a 用心的Mother, 我還要把他memorize 起來, 和小貴婦 practice together 哩 !
圖一 : 評審標準
圖二 : show一下講稿....
    創作者 plainpaper 的頭像


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